
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

Enable Google Push Notifications (Cloud Messaging for Android)

Hi guys, today I bring you an extremaly usefull tutorial, an step by step tutorial how to enable Google push notification service (Cloud Messagin for Android), this is pretty easy.

First thing to do is go to developers console

Then create a new project

Type the project name and hit Create button

After creation, lets enable the push API, click on Enable and manage APIs

Click on Cloud Messaging for Android API

Click on Enable

Now lets add some API credentials. Click on Credentials on the left panel

Choose the type of key you need, for this case we select API key

Then we are promted to pick the platform tha will use the api key we are creating, because I'm sending my push through a third party provider I'll choose server key

Set the name you want for your key and press Create

 Now we got the API key we need

I hope this help you, comment please ;)


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