In this tutorial I will show you how to install maven on windows, configure required environment variables and how to test if the install was done correctly
Go to maven download page descargar maven and select de .zip file:
Unzip the downloaded file wherever you want, in my case, drive e:\
To be able to use maven we need to create (if not already did) tow environment variables: MAVEN_HOME y PATH
On Windows 8.1 can be done this way:
Open Contro panel and select All Control Panel Item
Click on System
Click Advance system settings on the left panel
Then we need to edit (create if not exist) our Path variable:
If the variable dosen´t exist, we can make this:
PAHT = %M2_HOME%\bin
PAHT = varible1;varible2;%M2_HOME%\bin
Checking Installation
Open cmd/console and type mvn -version, we will get something like this:
Go to maven download page descargar maven and select de .zip file:
Unzip the downloaded file wherever you want, in my case, drive e:\
To be able to use maven we need to create (if not already did) tow environment variables: MAVEN_HOME y PATH
On Windows 8.1 can be done this way:
Open Contro panel and select All Control Panel Item
Click on System
Click Advance system settings on the left panel
In M2_HOME we write the path where we unzipped maven file
M2_HOME = e:\apache-maven-3.3.3
M2_HOME = e:\apache-maven-3.3.3
If the variable dosen´t exist, we can make this:
PAHT = %M2_HOME%\bin
%M2_HOME% tells PATH to search for M2_HOME value and use it for its own route the same as we had write PAHT = p:\apache-maven-3.3.3\bin but in a more flexible mannerIf already have PAHT created, just add ';' at the end and then your route. Eg:
PAHT = varible1;varible2;%M2_HOME%\bin
You better check you got Java JDK installed and y JAVA_HOME environment variable created
If you don´t have it, install JDK and configure JAVA_HOME variable the same way. e.g.:
JAVA_HOME = C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jdk1.7.0_17
JAVA_HOME = C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jdk1.7.0_17
Checking Installation
Open cmd/console and type mvn -version, we will get something like this: